Dental Treatment Cost/Prices
In Ontario, Canada. 2022 Fee Guide.

All dentists in Ontario get their dental treatment suggested prices from The Ontario Dental Association (ODA). Dentists use these suggested prices as a guideline to set their charges for the current year. These prices get updated annually. The cost of each visit to the dentist has to do with the nature of the visit and the amount of work been done during that visit.

For example: an emergency visit to the dentist would cost:

  • Emergency examinations: $50-$144

  • Radiographs to understand the nature of the issue would cost: $34-$153

Then if the case is a tooth that need to be pulled out, it will cost: $193-$554

If the tooth needs a root canal treatment, the doctor can initiate the treatment for: $151-$273 and the doctor will discuss the remining cost of the root canal treatment. The dentist can not do any treatment without an exam and radiographs if needed.

For a new patient examination it would cost:

  • Complete Examination: $79-$157

  • Radiographs of the whole mouth including a panoramic radiograph will cost around $206-$300

  • Cleaning (Scaling and polishing and fluoride application) would cost around: $120-$236 per session, and the number of sessions has do with the amount of deposits (dental calculus and stains) on the teeth that need to be cleaned.

For a specific exam (when there is no complaint of pain):

  • Specific exam would cost $79-$157

  • Radiographs to understand the nature of the issue would cost: $34-$153

  • The rough cost of a dental filling ranges between $174-$363 depending on which tooth and how many surfaces need to be restored.

  • Dental crown costs around $910 + laboratory cost between $250-400

  • A complete root canal treatment based on how many canals would costs between $612-$1371

Any dental work requires an examination and some radiographs, that’s including dental fillings, dental crowns, dental implants, veneers, and dentures.

All these prices are valid during 2022 as each year will have a new suggested fee guide.