Dental Crown and Bridge
Animation Showing Dental Crown Preparation And Cementation
What is a dental crown?
Dental Crowns (Dental Caps) are the preferred treatment of choice:
1- In some cases, teeth can have yellowish or grey stain. This type of internal staining is difficult to treat with teeth whitening procedures as the whitening material reaches the surface of the tooth only.
2- If there are many fillings on a certain tooth, it can weaken the tooth structure causing it to have fractures. If the tooth is fractured, the possibility of keeping it depends on how much is left of the tooth and the location of it.
3- In other cases, a tooth is weakened due to a root canal procedure that is done in the past and preserving the remaining tooth structure can be crucial to save the tooth and put it back in function.
What is a dental bridge?
Dental Bridges are used to bridge the gaps between missing teeth. Missing teeth could interfere with the overall aesthetics of our face and possibly with chewing or talking. A missing front tooth influences the appearance of a nice smile while a missing tooth at the back of your mouth may disrupt chewing and eating patterns.
Dental bridge are one of the solutions to these issues. They also keep the teeth in their places and prevent any adjacent tooth from tipping toward the empty area. They are mostly made after the preparation of a tooth next to the missing tooth and a tooth before. The bridge is then made at the dental lab to fit onto the prepared teeth and hold an artificial tooth in between filling up the space for the missing one.