Wisdom Tooth Extraction


What is wisdom tooth?

We have two sets of teeth that we get throughout our lives. First, Primary teeth: 5 on each quadrant making the sum of 20. Primary teeth start erupting between 4 to 6  month and some of them stay until age 13. Permanent teeth: 8 on each quadrant making the sum of 32. Permanent teeth start erupting between 4-6 years old. The last tooth to start erupting is the tooth number 8 which we used to call wisdom tooth.
Wisdom teeth do not always erupt in a proper location or direction due to the jaw/tooth size discrepancy. In a lot of cases, wisdom teeth get partially or fully impacted behind the tooth number 7 of the second molar. That state of impaction causes pain and/or infection.
Wisdom teeth start erupting between the age of 16-22 and your family dentist usually monitors the eruption pattern of these teeth to advise for the best time to remove them if needed.

What are the types of wisdom teeth impaction?

To make it simple we need to discuss two points
1- Direction of impaction 
2- Level of impaction. 
The wisdom tooth can be tipping forward or backward or side-wise. Each of these directions has its own concerns which usually the dentist explains to the patient on the day of exam and before proceeding with the surgery. Regarding the level of impaction, the wisdom tooth can be fully covered with gum or covered with gum and bone, partially erupted where it will be visible inside the mouth.

Should all wisdom teeth be extracted?

To make a decision about keeping or removing wisdom teeth, you need to look at the risks and benefits of extracting them. Usually, if the tooth is causing pain and infection or trauma happened multiple times to the cheeks or gum around it, then it is recommended to remove it. Other factors also should be considered like the ability to maintain the hygiene of that tooth and the proximity to the nerve or sinus.